Welcome to the AAUW Metro St. Louis Interbranch Council!
The American Association of University Women (AAUW) advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.
IBC Zoom meeting dates for 2024-2025: at 7 p.m. August 27, November 26, February 25, and May 27.
Zoom links will be sent to branches before the meetings.
Spring is on the way! The annual IBC SPRING FLING LUNCHEON will be March 29, 2025. Click here for information on a new way to honor your “Sheroes” and find a registration form.
The INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS LECTURE SERIES that takes place from January through April is cosponsored by AAUW and the Tuesday Women’s Association of the Ethical Society of St. Louis. See a flyer of the 2025 Series here.

Barbara Lackritz Service Award winners: Doris Nistler, posthumous award for Lillian Boly accepted by Joyce Wolf and Joyce Bluett, Christine Nobbe, Karen Schneider
“Spring Fling” 2024 on Saturday, March 23, was our fundraising luncheon honoring Barbara Lackritz Awardees. The theme was “Women Entrepreneurs: Breaking the Glass Ceiling” presented by Bev Schuetz.
See the previous annual IBC Spring Fling Event: “Celebrating Strong Women,” the AAUW Metro IBC Luncheon and Lackritz Award event that was held on March 18, 2023.
ADELANTE is a book discussion group, sponsored by IBC, and created to spotlight engrossing stories and writing. We invite all members of our local branches to join the ¡Adelante! Book Group this year! You will like the thought-provoking books selected. Here’s the list for 2024-25. Meetings are by Zoom, 1:30-3 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of September, October, and January through May. Members may contact Patty Murray for the Zoom link. Thanks for helping us to continue a book group that our area has supported for years! Questions? Contact us via the form provided and mention the Book Group.
The NATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR COLLEGE WOMEN STUDENT LEADERS(NCCWSL) has been held annually by AAUW in May in College Park, Maryland. IBC sponsors one or more college women annually to attend NCCWSL. Funds are raised for this through various projects. Learn more…..
Membership in the Saint Louis Interbranch Council (IBC) consists of AAUW branches located in the City of Saint Louis, Saint Louis County, and Saint Charles County. The IBC meets four times a year: August, November, February, and May. IBC is part of AAUW Missouri.
The organization financially supports programs and projects with area-wide implications, provides collegiality and the sharing of ideas, presents awards and provides a forum and leadership training for branch board members.
One fundraiser is held each year (commonly referred to as the Spring Fling). It is an elegant luncheon with entertainment. The Barbara Lackritz Awards are given and funds are raised through exciting games and activities.
See IBC Minutes and Fiscal Reports,
IBC guidelines
IBC History
LEARN MORE HERE about Cyber-threats. Don’t let security become an issue for you!
Branches are encouraged to apply for the Incentives and Awards offered by the state organization, AAUWMO. LEARN MORE HERE…